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Human Resources Manager

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Bachelor's degree or higher +

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"Decision making and judgment calls are the two most critical things for a human resources manager," says Marlise McCammon, a human resources manager in Kansas. "You can get a PC to do all your calculations, but you can't ask a machine to make a decision for you."

You are a human resources manager in a large corporation and you're trying to find someone for a clerk's position you need to fill.

Your assistant has interviewed all the applicants and has narrowed it down to two people. The choice is between a person with lots of clerical skills but little education, and a person with good clerical skills and a law degree.

While they both seem to have good clerical skills, you're wondering if the person with the law degree might be overqualified for the job. The person with less education seems ideally suited to the job. On the other hand, the one with the law degree could prove to be a real asset to the company.

It's time to make up your mind. Which one are you going to hire?

The applicant with the law degreeThe applicant with more experience and less education