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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

After reading through the seven residence rules -- the rules that govern where people in a society can live -- you identify number five, neolocal residence, as the rule that Western society follows.

As an anthropology professor, it is your job to make sure your students understand neolocal residence for their midterm exam. You decide to prepare a non-technical definition of this rule to clarify the concept. It might look something like this:

Neolocal Residence -- the rule that when two people marry, each partner moves out of their parents house so they can live together. They find their own house or apartment. By doing this, they form a new family, independent from their parents. Under neolocal residence rules, every time a child marries or gets a job, they create a new home.

The ability to explain complex concepts to students is an essential skill for professors. "The largest number of anthropologists work in the academic sector. We are lecturers and as a lecturer you have to be able to communicate well," says Schwimmer.