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Medical Assistant

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Inez slips in through the front door of the doctor's office. She walks up to the counter clutching a bill in her hand. She seems very agitated. As the medical office assistant, you ask what you can do to help her.

A few weeks ago, Inez had a surgical procedure that isn't covered under the health-care system. She just received a bill in the mail for $1,430. She is upset because she can't afford to pay that bill.

You calm her down and assure her that you can help work out a payment plan, so that she can pay back the fee in monthly installments. By talking to her, you find that she can afford to pay $130 per month towards the bill.

"We do very simple math for bookkeeping and creating payment plans," says May Au, a medical office assistant. "We also help figure out different bills."

Under this payment plan of $130 per month, how many months will it take Inez to pay off her account?

Inez comes back to the office in 6 months and says that she is unable to keep paying $130 per month. All she can afford is $100 per month. At this new rate, how many months will it take her to finish paying off her bill?