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Environmental Compliance Inspector

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

As a newly appointed environmental protection officer, you are surprised to learn what a major role communication plays in your work. You had heard about this while you were studying at the academy, but you didn't really understand the importance until you found yourself working in the field in a community that was assigned to you.

One day you might be talking to a four-year-old who is lost in the park. The next day, you might be in a confrontational situation with a potentially violent lawbreaker, and you must use your communication skills to prevent the situation from becoming violent.

Then there is paperwork. There are reports to be filled out, contracts to be developed and letters to be written.

You are also discovering that as the only EPO in your community, you are receiving many requests to give speeches or presentations on environmental issues in your region. Today, you receive a phone call from the high school. They want you to give a 30-minute presentation at the high school on any environmental topic that you choose.

There is an overhead projector available for your use. The teacher suggests that you plan to speak for 15 minutes then invite questions and answers for the remaining 15 minutes.

Select an environmental topic that applies to your own community.

Next, plan your presentation. Making notes on paper, identify the key points that you want to speak about. The key points are used to jog your memory. You will not read them while making your presentation. Next, list the resources that you will take with you to assist you in your presentation.

Practice your presentation with some friends.