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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Here are the questions you ask the woman:

  1. How long are you going to be wearing the costume?
  2. How active are you planning to be? For example, will you be dancing?
  3. What types of colors do you think look best on you?
  4. Are you planning to have your hair styled for the party? Or are you planning to wear it loose or in a braid?
  5. What is more important to you, a costume that is comfortable or a costume that looks authentic?
  6. Would you be willing to wear a corset?

Communication skills are essential for costume designers, particularly those who own and operate their own business. Besides artistic ability and a natural talent with needle and thread, they need to meet the demands of their clients.

"You need to have a meeting of minds with the client," says costume designer Patti Nickel. "You have to get an idea of what the client wants from the way they describe it. You need to ask the right questions."