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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Here’s what we came up with:

They are heroes who defended our freedom, and every day fewer of them live among us. They are the veterans of World War II.
The project I have planned is a documentary sharing their stories and celebrating their achievements. We must capture their stories while they are still with us. Every day, dozens more across the country pass away. Now is the time to tell their fascinating, patriotic stories. Their stories will inspire and connect with young and old.
Directing the film will be Jackie Peterson. Peterson has won numerous awards for her films, including the recent documentary, Escape from Antarctica.
The working title for my film is Patriots Among Us.

The movie industry is all about creating relationships. It's also about raising the money that's required to finance a film project. These two aspects of the industry are intertwined and both require excellent communication skills.

One of the biggest challenges an independent producer faces is convincing government funders or private investors to fork out cash.

"You need to be able to not just convince people to give you money, which is a hard enough job as it is, you also have to be able to create personal relationships with people," says producer Lola Davidson. "You have to be able to create relationships with artists and other creative people... so that when you make the project you have people you can work with."

A producer also has to be able to communicate well to sell their product. This includes convincing a distributor to distribute the film as far and wide as possible.