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Feng Shui Consultant

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

When you became a feng shui consultant, you did so because you wanted to be involved in other people's lives. You had no idea then what you would be up against as far as building your feng shui practice.

One of the things that you've learned as you work to build your practice is that it requires huge amounts of two things: marketing and educating. Feng shui is such a new field that many people have little or no idea what feng shui is and how it will benefit them.

In addition, because it is such a new field, you need to let people know you're available to help them put feng shui principles into practice in their homes and business. You spend a large amount of time marketing -- sending out introduction letters, writing ads and giving speeches about feng shui.

It makes it easier if you can combine the marketing and educating into one practice, so you've gotten into the habit of writing articles and speeches that include facts about feng shui.

Here are some facts:

Feng shui is the Chinese art of placement. It is an art that helps you to place furniture and belongings in a manner that helps positive energy flow more freely. It was developed more than 6,000 years ago. The words feng shui literally mean "wind and water." Your birthday is used to determine what the optimum feng shui arrangement of furniture, direction and color is for you.

Furthermore, each person is usually categorized as fire, earth, water, metal or wood. It is from this distinction that positive energy flow is channeled. Each element is then figured into a bagua. That's an eight-sided pattern that determines the best areas for future, relationships, descendants, compassion, self, wisdom, community, power and health.

The bagua is usually aligned to the front entrance of the residence or office, and if desired to the front of the property line. Adjusting each area enhances the positive energy and reduces the negative energy.

These are basic facts that help to educate people who might be interested in applying feng shui to their own lives. And you often write articles about feng shui that include these facts.

Today, you've been asked by a college website to write a very short, 200- to 300-word article about feng shui. Include some of the facts above to help introduce the subject.