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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You decide against number one because is it blaming and harsh. If you use number one, the couple will surely become even more upset and angrier than they are already. They will probably start to quarrel with you.

You decide against number two because it is overly emotional. It is a sign that you are becoming too involved personally with your cases. If you use this response, the couple will feel more distressed than they already do.

Your promise to take care of everything for them may cause them to see you as their rescuer, which is not your role. You represent the court, not the bankrupt woman.

You decide on number three. Number three acknowledges that you understand their distress. You offer them a chance to pull themselves together, but you clearly and calmly state that you need to finish the interview today. This response is likely to have a calming effect on the couple while maintaining a professional relationship between you and them.

"You have to understand the human side without getting involved emotionally yourself," says David Bromwich, a bankruptcy trustee. "If you allow yourself to get emotionally caught up in people's troubles, you will burn out and not be good at this work."