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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

The amount of work involved in being an irrigation specialist is no surprise. You knew from your experience in school there would be a lot of technical work involved with the job. There are equations that have to be solved and science problems to be dealt with.

You get to work in the office with computer programs and models, and you have the opportunity to work in the field. Dealing with the construction of your projects and handling clients have always been jobs that you enjoy.

What you didn't count on was the amount of written work that you have to do. There is always a memo that needs to go out, a report that needs to be written or proposals that have to get out to prospective clients. Even e-mail is a daily chore.

Today, you're stuck in the office working on a memo that will go out to the construction crews involved with one huge project you have going on. The project involves four different construction crews and there have been some communication problems with the job.

The client insists on calling the various construction managers every day. That in itself wouldn't be a problem, except that each of the managers is telling the client something different. Then the client calls you and wants to know what's going on.

Despite asking the client to use you as his point person, he continues to go to the construction managers. It's causing a problem because you're spending half your day trying to straighten out the communication mess. So you've decided to ask the construction managers to send the client to you when he has questions.

The memo needs to address the problem and ask for their cooperation in handling the situation. You also want all of the managers to sign off and return the memo to you so that you know they have read it. Include your phone number so that they will be able to contact you with their questions or use it to refer the client to you.

Don't forget to remain professional and check your spelling and punctuation. The image that you project in writing is the image that others will have of you.