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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Here's an example. How would your personality and manner of speaking change it? Would you be funny, timid, direct, upset? Try to capture your style as you would normally speak.

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith. How are you today? This is ___ and I'm calling about the favors for the Jameson wedding.

"I'm sure you did you a great job, and I'm sure they look wonderful, because I've heard nothing but good things about your work. It's just that the clients have a slight problem that I'm going to ask for your help and patience with.

"It seems your instincts were right about the black after all, and now that they've lived with the idea for a while, they've decided black is a little dreary and they'd like hot pink instead.

"I'm calling all the vendors and apologizing for the inconvenience and asking what they can do to help make this couple's wedding day turn out like they want it to. I'm hoping you won't mind redoing the favors in the new colors.

"The bride and groom would be happy to pay any extra fees to get this done. I know I can trust you to be fair about the extra charge. Thank you so much. I won't forget how helpful you've been."