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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You must be able to talk to the customers about taxidermy in order to convince them that you know what you are doing. "This means you must read all that you can on the subject, and be able to discuss the different methods of mounting," says taxidermist Bob Davis.

You learn by your errors. Remember that no one is perfect when they start. You have to keep trying.

Davis suggests those interested in the field should read up on it. "I'm sure you will find lots of excuses and will say to yourself I can't, I won't or it's nasty, but you must practice. If there is a taxidermist in your area, call and ask to visit his shop and get a tour."

There are two taxidermists in the city closest to your town. You are going to write a letter of introduction asking these taxidermists to give you some feedback and possibly a tour. Keep the letter short -- three paragraphs should do.