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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You're a media trainer talking to an audience about how and why reporters do their job. It's important to get insight into a reporter's motivations. This is how you hope the members of the audience might answer your questions:

  1. Most reporters don't deliberately set out to make their interviewees look bad because they don't want to get a reputation of being a bully or mean-spirited. They know that a bad reputation will impede them when trying to get future interviews.
  2. TV reporters tend to oversimplify issues because the stories are so short, only running about 90 seconds. Also, viewers don't get a chance to hear the story again if they missed a point. Everything must be clear and simple on the first telling.
  3. Reporters know the social instinct to fill dead air in a conversation. By remaining silent in an interview, they can often lead interviewees into telling more about a story than they might have originally intended.