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Marine Mechanic

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You work in a busy marina. As the marine mechanic, you are responsible for ordering parts needed to repair the various boats and engines that you service. Since it is such a large operation, it is important that all of the deliveries are not only on time, but also correct.

However, for the past few weeks, each time you have ordered a specific type of metal tubing, you received the incorrect item, in addition to other materials not ordered. Unfortunately, you are not able to pick up the materials yourself and every time you contact the supplier they claim that there has been no mistake made on their part.

You have the idea that if you send them a letter, outlining the error and highlighting the importance of the supplies, you may receive a better response and the correct shipment. How would you write a letter to a supply company who has been providing unsatisfactory service?

Hint: When writing a letter to a company, it is always helpful to get the name of the person who will be reading the letter. Then you are almost guaranteed that someone will be reading it.