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Dance Therapist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

1. What is dance therapy?

Dance therapy is based on the belief that the mind and body work in unison. Dance requires the coordinated use of both mind and body. Through dance, people can identify and express their innermost emotions, bringing those feelings to a conscious level. This can cause the individual to experience a sense of renewal, unity and completeness.

2. How long has this type of therapy been in use?

In modern times, dance is both an art form and a pleasant social activity. Since the early 1900s dance has been used as a therapy to enhance well-being and promote good emotional and physical health.

3. What can dance therapy do for an older person?

Dance therapy can help older people overcome physical limitations and create new opportunities for exercise and rehabilitation. It can improve the coordination of little-used muscles. It can also give older people more independence and increase their self-esteem. These benefits, in turn, reduce stress.

4. Can anyone get into dance therapy?

Because dance therapy can be individualized, it becomes an outlet for expressing anger, love and fear. As an act of self-expression, it increases self-awareness and develops self-confidence. These qualities can be helpful in facing, treating and coping with disease, disability and other health problems. Because dance requires interaction with others, it also reduces feelings of isolation and promotes growth in social skills and relationships.

"It takes a lot of work to be in business for yourself," says Monique Haziza, a dance therapist. "Don't underestimate what you are getting into -- invest time and money and dedication. It's not easy, but in time the people and the money will start to roll in."