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Legal Secretary/Administrative Assistant

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Legal secretaries aren't expected to have the full knowledge of the law that lawyers possess. However, they must be comfortable with legal concepts and be able to translate legal jargon into plain language.

Using the key below, draft a memo being sent to a corporate client about the status of the lawsuit filed against it by some disgruntled customers.

First, the legal version:

At pre-trial conferences, Judge Bernard Hillock ruled against the plaintiff's motion for separation. The single suit involving all seven plaintiffs will be heard before a jury of 12.

The judge also ruled that the defendant must cooperate fully with discovery efforts of the plaintiffs or face contempt charges. Confidentiality concerns were not pressing enough to limit discovery. Finally, the judge closed the docket on the case.


Separation: A move to hear the case of each plaintiff separately rather than in a single trial.

Discovery: The process by which the opposing side learns all it can about the other side's evidence.

Contempt: Being in violation of court rules. Could result in fines or jail time.

Closed the docket: No further plaintiffs can join the case -- it must go forward as is.

Now, what will you write to the client?

  • Want to learn more about the work of legal secretaries? Check out this URL:

    National Association for Legal Support Professionals
    Internet: http://www.nals.org/

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