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Real-Life Activities

Sociologists are always playing with numbers, whether it's figuring out their own earnings on a job or crunching numbers in their research.

Many sociologists find work with various social agencies. In these environments, sociologists get to put their skills and experience into action and hopefully do some good along the way. One area where this is possible is with foster care and adoption agencies. There are thousands of children out there who need good homes.

You are a sociologist working in a foster care agency. When you place a child in a family, you have 48 days to file a petition to have the child removed if you find the home is unsuitable. If you want to terminate the parental rights and free a child from the foster home, you have to complete the court proceedings within 365 days.

Compare how many days you have available to free a child if you file a petition by the 10th day as opposed to filing a petition by the 48th day. What is the difference in the total number of days?

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