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Software Product Manager

Real-Life Activities

Software product managers have to know how to market their products. They must have a sense of why their product is exciting and worthwhile for customers to buy.

You are a software product manager. You want to give some ideas to the advertising copywriters about your new software package.

You've just spent a year overseeing the design of a new video game called Sewer Rats. In this game, the player and their rat comrades are trying to stop the invasion of garbage, chlorine and unwanted pets, such as alligators and iguanas, into their sewer-neighborhood. The game has awesome graphics of the city's underworld -- drains, pipes and tanks.

Write a sample advertisement about the game for a gaming magazine. Here are some elements for your consideration:

  • Start with a headline to grab the reader's attention
  • Tell consumers all about the game
  • Tell readers why they would like the game or why they should have it
  • Use quotes from other people who have tried it

Use your imagination!

  • Want to learn more about software product management? Check out this URL:

    Software Product Management Glossary
    Internet: http://ispma.org/glossary/

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