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Real-Life Activities

You are a psychologist who specializes in counseling couples who are having problems. You are seeing a new couple today and you've just asked the woman what she feels the problem with the marriage is.

Here's what she says:

"Well, I'm here because he doesn't listen to me. He thinks I'm like part of the furniture or something. He has his buddies over and talks to them, but when I want to talk he just clams up. He'll expect me to make sandwiches for him and his friends and then he leaves a big mess for me to clean up. He never says thank you. He goes out a lot more and I don't know what he's doing -- maybe he's even having an affair. I just don't know."

It's your job as a psychologist to interpret what is being said by your patient.

Pretend you are the psychologist here. Summarize this patient's comments with a couple of sentences to show her you understand what she's getting at. Begin with, "What I hear you saying is..."