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Real-Life Activities

"Communication is extremely important to your employees and your customers," says Courtney Lawrence. She is the marketing coordinator for a grocery store.

"Both groups need to know what is going on in the store in regards to specials and new products."

Grocers also communicate with customers about products through signs and other displays.

You are a grocer. You take great pride in your organic produce. You want to communicate to customers about the importance of eating veggies.

How will you entice them to buy more fruits and vegetables?

At first you think of offering fact sheets, but then you get a better idea! You decide to post signs around the store using "taste poems" to whet their appetites for produce.

Here is the formula:

  • Name of fruit or vegetable
  • Two or three describing words
  • Serving suggestions
  • Which vitamins or minerals it contains

Here's an example:

Juicy, sweet
Sliced or squeezed
Loaded with vitamin C!

See what you can come up with for the following produce:

  • Strawberries
  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Want to learn more? Check out this URL:

    Fruits and Veggies-More Matters
    Internet: http://www.5aday.com/

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