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Food Science Technician

Money & Outlook



National Earnings

The earnings information below is for the occupational group Agricultural and Food Science Technicians. The occupation Food Science Technician is part of this group.

Average Annual Wage


Average Hourly Wage


Average Annual Range

$36,050 to $71,370

Note: variations in salaries reflect differences in size of firm, location, level of education and professional credentials.

Where do these numbers come from?

National Employment and Outlook

Outlook increasing
  The employment change from 2021 to 2031 is estimated to be +8%.
(The National average for all occupations is +5%)
Job Openings very small number
  Less than 1000 average annual openings are expected for this occupation between 2021 and 2031.
(The National Average for all occupations is 1,757 openings)
Employment very small occupation
  This was a very small occupation in the United States, employing 15,200 workers in 2021.
(The National average for all occupations is 142,207 workers)
Growth Faster than average growth
  Food science technicians will assist scientists to improve food-processing techniques, ensuring that products are safe, waste is limited, and food is shipped efficiently. Technicians also will continue to assist in studies that analyze soil composition and soil improvement techniques, find uses for agricultural byproducts, and selectively breed crops to resist pests and disease or to improve taste. 
Industries Large concentrations of this occupation are found in these industries
  • Manufacturing (NAICS31-330) (59.7%)
  • Food manufacturing (NAICS311000) (51%)
  • Dairy product manufacturing (NAICS311500) (14.5%)
  • Animal Production and Aquaculture (NAICS112000) (12.1%)
  • Crop production (NAICS111000) (11.3%)
  • Other food manufacturing (NAICS311900) (9.7%)
  • Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing (NAICS311400) (7.2%)
  • Animal slaughtering and processing (NAICS311600) (7.1%)
  • Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing (NAICS312000) (6.6%)
  • Beverage manufacturing (NAICS312100) (6.5%)