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Chemical Engineering


Insider Info

What to Expect

Chemical engineering students have a dazzling array of options when it comes to the field in which they work.

"Just look at the water you drink, the body of the cars you drive, the heating system in your home and fuel used to power engines. We are at the top of the engineering pyramid," says Chika Okere. He studied chemical engineering.

"Before a project like building a process plant can be started, a chemical engineer is the first person to be contacted and the last to leave the project after all the other engineering disciplines have finished their part."

Okere says the program was a blast.

"I have always been fascinated by how things work -- like how refineries operate, how complex solutions of different materials can be separated and how mass and energy are transferred from one object to another," says Okere.

The chemical engineering program helped Okere find answers to these and many other previously puzzling questions. But that meant taking several challenging courses, including calculus, equations and physical chemistry.

"It's a demanding program because they want the best out of the students," says Okere. "One has to always be on top of the game all the time or be left behind."

Zena Yasir also majored in chemical engineering. She says graduate studies are definitely a plus in this career.

"I do recommend graduate work because chemical engineering is such a wide field and there are many areas to specialize in," she says.

How to Prepare

Okere warns against burying your nose in chemistry, physics, biology and math books. Get involved in extracurricular activities that build teamwork and leadership and communication skills.